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Scott Robbins

For Utah Governor

Scott Robbins wants to see his state and nation prosper. As Governor, Scott Robbins will focus on three areas:

1) Nation-enriching Immigration

2) Nation-enriching Education

3) Racial Harmony

Vision, Issues, & Values

1) Nation-enriching Immigration. The primary question for every decision concerning immigration must be, “Will this benefit the people of Utah?” We have seen the US President actively side with foreign nationals to invade our country so he can fast track them and register them to vote. That is why he has allowed in everyone including those on terror watch lists, drug traffickers, child sex traffickers, rapists, and other violent criminals.  He lives surrounded by armed guards while he floods our neighborhoods with violent criminals. Even immigrant neighborhoods are becoming more violent. He is not compassionate, he is careless. He has endangered the lives of everyone – Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Polynesians, American Indians, and illegal immigrants at the border. Utah must stand up for the American people and our allies. We must handle immigration ourselves since the President is supporting a foreign invasion. Our hardworking people must not be burdened anymore financially, or through an increase of violence in our neighborhoods. We have a right to life, and to live in neighborhoods where our children can be raised in safety. There are plenty of American poor to help in our state. It makes no sense to continue to leave our neighbor behind in order to lift a foreigner.

2) Nation-enriching Education. The primary questions for Utah’s education system must be, “Will this teaching benefit the people of Utah? Will it make our state stronger?” While many educators are doing an excellent job, Utah’s education system has been compromised. We have seen districts and universities actively promote “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” policies which excluded white students, favor nonwhites, and encouraged discrimination against white students in order to achieve equal results. We have seen several districts and the Utah Education Association support gay books that describe sex between underage teenagers. Our educations system has been comprised by these antiwhites, Marxists, and degenerates. We must rid our education system and libraries of their destructive influence. This should never have happened in the first place if we had stronger leadership. Students are being taught one-sided information. Most students are unfortunately unaware that they are being lied to. Students must receive a political education so they can properly distinguish leftwing and rightwing influence and ideology. They need to be taught to critically think, focus on facts, and disagree civilly. Education must teach them to work hard, be good citizens, and have the skills necessary to make our state and nation stronger.

3) Racial Harmony. For any policies or education that have to do with race we must ask ourselves, “Will this benefit the people of Utah? Will it make us more unified?” The current discussion and policies on race are extremely bigoted and antiwhite. Whites have been kept out of the discussion for the past 50 years. The White community has been lied to and cheated. We were told diversity and multiculturalism would include and benefit us, when they have only been used to replace and rob us. Americans of all races deserve a voice. The bigoted policies of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” have been banned in word, but their supporters still hold positions of influence and power in Utah’s businesses, airlines, and education system. United Airlines pledged to reserve 50% of pilot positions for women and nonwhites by 2030, prioritizing diversity over proficiency. Some Utah businesses give antiwhite training to their employees stating only whites have privilege and therefore must give preference to the feelings of other races over their own. Tracy Aviary in Salt Lake City refers to our ancestors as “colonizers” and that English names are associated with “violence.” People who think it’s okay to favor nonwhites over whites and are comfortable discriminating against the white community should not be in positions of influence within our state.  These antiwhites have not been brought to justice for their hate. Utah can do better. We can be a light to the rest of the nation by including and listening to each other and having civil conversations. Racial Harmony is treating others as you want to be treated. It is including White, Black, Brown, and Asian voices and not supporting policies that benefit one race at the expense of another.


The Leadership Our States Needs Right Now

About Scott

Scott Robbins grew up in Magna, Utah. He served an LDS Christian mission in the Dominican Republic and graduated from BYU with a Bachelor’s in Information Systems and a Master of Public Policy. He lived in Norway, Ukraine, and Japan and traveled to many other countries. He has been a Marine Corps Artillery Officer for the past 6 years and deployed with the Marines to Okinawa, Japan with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit. His great-grandfather fought in the Mexican Revolution, his grandfather fought as a US Marine in Korea and Vietnam, and his father was an artilleryman in the Army. Scott Robbins enjoys Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Boxing, hunting, and fishing. He wants to see his nation and state prosper. As Governor, Scott Robbins will focus on 1) Nation-enriching Immigration, 2) Nation-enriching Education, and 3) Racial Harmony.


Vote Scott Robbins for Governor!

Contact: [email protected]